Everything You Want to Know (But Don’t Want To Ask) About Sweaty Feet

Most people have suffered from foot perspiration (and other types of perspiration), but for some, sweaty feet are a persistent problem. While it is normal for feet to sweat more than usual during exercise, hot days, when standing for long periods of time, or even if you’re nervous, some people suffer from sweaty feet on a consistent, day-to-day basis.

Excessive sweating of the feet, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a common condition. There are 250,000 sweat glands in the feet – more per inch than anywhere else in the body. It’s no wonder that for some, these can work harder than needed and overproduce sweat on the feet.

What Causes Sweaty Feet?

The exact cause of sweaty feet isn’t fully understood, but it is due to overactive sweat glands in the feet. Often, people with hyperhidrosis will also have excessive sweating on the palms, armpits, face, and scalp as well, but this is not always the case.

It can be genetic, due to stress put on the foot, a foot structure problem, or overtired feet.

Is It Serious?

Hyperhidrosis is not a serious condition by itself, but it can be frustrating for people who suffer from it. Sweaty feet that are left untreated and not washed fully can be a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria, and can lead to athlete’s foot or blisters that risk infection.

How Do I Know If I Have It?

Some patients consistently feel that their socks are damp after they remove them. However, the most common indicator for hyperhidrosis is strong and pervasive foot odour caused by bacteria on the skin breaking down the sweat and releasing a smell.

How do I Prevent It?

The best way to prevent sweaty feet is to follow a simple daily foot care routine. Washing your feet with antibacterial soap, using foot moisturizer, and adding a powder or spray to remove odour and moisture is the best and most simple method for maintaining foot health and preventing sweaty feet.

Wearing socks that wick away moisture, like wool or cotton, can also help keep bacteria and fungus from growing on the feet and causing odour. Insoles and leather shoes, allowing your feet to breathe, are also usually recommended.

What Are the Treatments?

Prevention is the best treatment for sweaty feet. Usually, with the right foot care routine, socks, and shoes, a person is able to manage their hyperhidrosis. However, for more serious cases where normal foot care is not effective, a doctor or chiropodist may refer you for botox to prevent sweat glands from overproducing.

Got Sweaty Feet?

Hyperhidrosis is one of the most common concerns we see at our chiropody clinic. For most people, the issue can be alleviated with prevention and regular foot care. In the rare cases that botox is needed, a chiropodist can help diagnose and recommend it.

If you’re concerned about sweaty feet, book an appointment at Collective Foot and Wellness Clinic. We can help find the best methods for prevention and treatment of sweaty feet for you. Contact us today for more information or request an appointment online!