How To Get A Safe Pedicure

Safe pedicureIt’s important to ensure you’re getting a safe pedicure to prevent infection or the spread of bacteria. There are a few signs for you to look for and questions you can ask your esthetician when getting a pedicure to ensure that they are following safety regulations and giving you a safe pedicure.

What to Look for at the Spa

1. Disinfectant

Ensure all the tools are disinfected with hospital-grade disinfectant. All metal and plastic tools used on your skin and nails should be sterilized before use. An even better option is for the pedicurist to use brand new tools with you. Things like nail files, buffers, and pumice bars are always one-use items since they cannot be sanitized properly.

You can always ask how the tools are being sanitized or request that they use new ones. Any spa or esthetician who refuses to explain or provide new ones should raise a red flag.

2. Separate Foot Baths

One of the most relaxing aspects of a pedicure is the foot soak. Many of us love the soothing jets to massage our feet. However, spa chairs that have built in bowls and jets are very difficult to clean. Bacteria can live in the pipes of the jets and easily spread Athlete’s Foot and other bacteria from customer to customer.

A salon should always have separate, removable foot baths that can be cleaned easily and have no places for dangerous bacteria to grow.

3. Skin Removal

Removing calluses and dead skin from the bottom of the feet is key for a good pedicure – you want your feet to look smooth in those new sandals for spring! There are different methods for removing this skin, but not all of them are always safe.

Callous shavers or razors that strip the skin create a lot of opportunity for cuts and wounds. If you get cut with one of these tools, the wound created is open to an infection from a pedicure that could have been easily avoided. Pumice bars or stones should be used to gently remove dead skin as this is less risky and reduces the chance of injury and infection.

4. Cutting Toenails

Always ensure toenails are cut straight across. If they are cut on a curve or cut unevenly, ingrown toenails are a larger possibility. A good esthetician will always cut toenails straight.

Furthermore, if you already have ingrown toenails, you should avoid pedicures. Cutting your nails at a pedicure may cause an injury or make the ingrown nail worse.

5. Stay Home if You Have Open Wounds

If you have open wounds on your feet, like cuts or open blisters, you should avoid getting a pedicure until they heal. You will be at a greater risk for infection from a pedicure, not to mention putting others at risk.

Similar to this, pedicures can also be dangerous for diabetics because they are at a higher risk for foot complications and nerve damage. If you have diabetes, consult with your chiropodist first before booking your pedicure to see if there is a diabetic pedicure salon near you.

Contact Your Chiropodist This Spring

In addition to getting a pedicure before you show off those toes, it’s important to make an appointment with a chiropodist to diagnose any foot conditions or issues that may have sprung up over the winter.

Contact Collective Foot and Wellness Clinic to set up an appointment today!